Jun 15, 2016 07:17 PMSummer School Targets Drivers who have Been Around the BlockDriving is like any sport, only it’s a sport we take for granted,” Cox said. “A lot of people think nothing of taking lessons...
May 30, 2016 08:00 AMFlat Repair Sealants Keep you from Getting StrandedYou're driving across the Great Salt Flats when your tire goes flat. Pulling to the side of the road, you realize the nearest...
May 23, 2016 04:52 PMWorn Brakes Frays Driver SafetyYou're driving down a steep mountain pass in the middle of summer and apply slight pressure against the brake pedal. As your vehicle...
May 23, 2016 04:44 PMHeating, Cooling Problems May Signal Aging ThermostatHeatstroke happens to vehicles, too. A truly panic-inducing moment for drivers comes when they casually glance at the temperature...
Apr 30, 2016 10:57 AMHow to Maintain Cars that Don't Get Out MuchBuildings fall into disrepair when they aren't used. Same goes for a car that's rarely driven.
Apr 18, 2016 09:25 AMDon't Let Cracked Windshield Turn Into Expensive RepairYou’re driving behind a gravel truck and suddenly hear the startling crack of stone on glass. A quarter-sized fracture appears...
Mar 03, 2016 11:24 PMPaper maps vs. GPS: When to go 'old school' Remember paper road maps? They always came along for the ride, tucked into the open compartment on the inside of the car door....
Mar 03, 2016 11:13 PMRoad Preparation for Spring OutingsJulius Caesar was lucky--he only had to worry about ONE day in March. Us drivers deal with the month's unpredictable weather patterns...
Mar 03, 2016 10:59 PMDriving with the Enemy: Tips for Battling Spring PollenAllergy sufferers who dread the yellow onslaught of spring may not realize that their vehicle is conspiring with the enemy. Pollen...
Mar 03, 2016 10:18 PMSpring A/C Maintenance Keeps Air Smelling FreshYou're driving to a special event on the first hot day of spring and switch on the air conditioner. Instead of the expected cool,...
Mar 03, 2016 10:17 PMBelts and Hoses: Your Engine's Unsung HeroesWho ever really thinks about engine belts and hoses when they're driving?Yet, it is those critical but forgotten parts that can...
Mar 03, 2016 10:15 PMIt's Not Just You, We Hear It TooPerhaps you’ve become accustomed to the shudders, squeaks and vibrations inside your vehicle. But that doesn’t mean you have...
Mar 03, 2016 10:15 PMBrake Line Inspection Prevents Stopping Problems Down the RoadStepping on the brake pedal engages a symphony of complex components with the brake line conducting. Brake lines enable that panicked...
Mar 03, 2016 10:13 PMThings to Consider When Your Vehicle Gets DrippyNobody likes to see fluid dripping from their vehicle, especially when it forms small puddles. Usually, you notice it after parking...
Mar 03, 2016 09:48 PMPump Up the...TireTires last longer and reduce fuel consumption when properly inflated. But how can you tell if they have enough air? Hint: It doesn't...
Jan 22, 2016 08:54 PMMulti-Point InspectionMultipoint inspections are the automotive equivalent of a physical. And just like putting off a visit to the doctor, delaying...
Dec 16, 2015 07:30 PMCreate Your Own Survival Kit Before Leaving TownNo one likes getting stuck in foul weather. But most could use a gentle reminder that a little preparation can save the day. See...
Nov 30, 2015 10:32 PMPolice Scanner Apps Give the Inside Scoop on Emergency RespondersHumans are curious by nature, and that is especially true when it sirens start blaring in your neighborhood. But you don’t...
Nov 30, 2015 06:08 PMHoliday Brake Inspection Helps Identify ProblemsTight, responsive brakes widen the margin for error, and every millisecond matters when someone else puts you in harm's way.